Monday, October 1, 2007

Another batch of photos...

Another view of the Arno, one of my favorite places.

The next view are from San Miniato, the church at the top of the hill where I had my Art History and drawing classes.

The view of the Chianti countryside, taken through the bus window, multiply this beauty by about 1,000 and you have the real effect.

And the view from Fiesole on the outskirts of Florence.

1 comment:

Gwen said...

Hi Maggie,
I have just read your blog, directed to it by your mom, of course! I will be following your adventures, I am so excited for you having this wonderful experience.

I never got the chance to tell you, but your article in The Weekly was very good.

Take care, and one day have a glass of Prosecco for me!

Gwen Delmore